OMACCS School Resources
In addition to the resources we provide our schools in the form of advocacy, educational events, and scholarships, we also partner with many of our associate members for a wide array of services. This section provides essential links and information for schools in Ohio and Michigan. Discover valuable resources all aspects of school operations, from compliance to technology and operations. Explore the links below to access the tools and support you need for academic and operational success.
Alvarez & Mendoza PA, CPA; www.alvarezandmendoza.com
Case Sabatini CPAs; www.casesabatini.com
McClintock & Associates; www.mcclintockcpa.com
Advertising & Marketing
Scholar House Media; www.scholarhousemedia.com
Gragg Advertising; www.graggadv.com
Advance 360 Education; www.a360education.com
Enrollment Resources; www.enrollmentresources.com
EDlumina; www.EDlumina.com
Advance 360 Education; www.a360education.com
Enrollment Resources; www.enrollmentresources.com
Peak Enrollment; www.peakenrollment.com
American Medical Certification Association; www.amcaexams.com
Compliance & Consulting
Cyanna Education Services; www.cyanna.com
McClintock & Associates; www.mcclintockcpa.com
JBB Education Partners; www.jbbeducationpartners.com
Course/Classroom Material/Curriculum
Ambassador Education Solutions; www.ambassadored.com
Cyanna Education Services; www.cyanna.com
McGraw-Hill; www.mheducation.com
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)/ School Management Systems (SMS) /Student Information System (SIS)
CampusLogin and Great Exposure; www.greatexposure.com/campuslogin
Campus Cloud; www.campuscloud.com
Cyanna Education Services; www.cyanna.com
McGraw-Hill; www.mheducation.com
Financial Aid/Funding
GEMCOR Inc.; www.gemcorinc.com
TFC Tuition Financing; www.tfctuition.com
Rouse Frets White Goss Gentile Rhodes, PC; www.rousepc.com
F.A. Davis; www.fadavis.com
Goodheart-Willcox Publisher; www.g-w.com
McGraw-Hill; www.mheducation.com
Ohio State Board of Career Colleges & Schools (SBCCS); www.scr.ohio.gov
Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity (LEO); www.michigan.gov/leo
Web Design/Social Media
Scholar House Media; www.scholarhousemedia.com